- October 21, 2014 at 1:20 pm #573
InactiveVisa Denial Reasons and Questions Asked During Appointments and Interviews :
So many of you guys worried and had the suspicion that your visa would be denied based on the answers you give in reply to their questions, the day of interview.
It is not going this way. your wouldn’t be denied based on the simplest answers you give. but of course you have to answer honest and do not worry about how the consular expects you to answer.
i have arranged couple Visa denial/refusal reasons for you, so that you pay attention as a DV winner or a DV entrant who is about to apply .
Some Visa Denial / Refusal reasons :
- You do not meet the education requirement, or work requirement. for intense, you applied as having a University Degree, but you do not have more than a work diploma..
You presented wrong information in your forms, such as misspelled name that which does not match your legal one.
+ You may become a public charge after traveling to the states :
- You do not have enough money to show (to prove that you won’t become public charge), if you don’t choose a sponsor ..
- If you have chosen a sponsor, and this one can not afford you based on his/her financial situation, or like i red today : a visa was denied because the sponsor mentioned that he can afford the winner for only 3 months ( not sufficient ), and not permanently.
- been already married, and/or having children, but you played the draw as “unmarried” applicant. this is a main visa denial reason.
- Health issues, crimes record or criminal convictions, fake documents and wrong or missing information are additional visa refusal reasons.
There are s many other causes and reasons for denying visas. Help us and add more reasons, through our contact form. thank you !
notice: we will post your comments right after been received and reviewed.
And as for the questions asked during your visa appointment (interview); they could be simplest as long as there are no complications in your files and documents, case in general.
some of the most and frequently asked questions during the one’s interview :
- Why do you want to live in the United States ?
- What would you give to the United States ?
@BritSimon ( we are so proud to have him here ), wrote couple questions in his blog post http://britsimonsays.com/?p=154 :
- Where did you study?
- Where did you study?
- What work do you normally do?
- Where will you live in the USA?
- Who will you live with in the USA?
- What is your relationship with the people you will live with?
There are additional questions asked during interviews. Help us and add more questions you think we should have posted, through our contact form. thank you !
those questions are just as simple as they seem. and for those who recently got married after winning the lottery; it wouldn’t turn to be a problem, they will only ask you few questions like :
- How long have you been together ?
- What are the trips you took together ?
- When did you get married ?
and couple other few questions regarding your future together as to prove that this is a real marriage not benefit or “boarding pass” one lol.
if things went complicated with recently married people, and your marriage looked suspicious, they may also require additional things to prove it is a real marriage, such as exchanged gifts, copies of conversations and messages, letters etc..
so finally, try to answer everything frankly and then don’t worry about the rest. and enjoy your visa approval 🙂
October 21, 2014 at 10:55 pm #585Anonymous
Inactiveوايلي هي دابا ممكن حتى صورة ديالك تكون عائق
خصوصا الى مكانتش عالية الجودة او تنقصها احد شروطهاOctober 22, 2014 at 9:42 am #587Anonymous
Inactiveوايلي هي دابا ممكن حتى صورة ديالك تكون عائق خصوصا الى مكانتش عالية الجودة او تنقصها احد شروطها
إذا كان هناك مشكل في الصورة التي سجلت بها سيتم اقصاؤك منذ الآونة الاولى و لن تصنف ضمن الرابحين..
و في حال ربحت و كان هناك فارق كبير بينك و بين الصورة التي سجلت بها، قد يرفضون منحك التاشيرة بدافع انك تحاول الغش مثلا بالتسجيل عديد المرات و بصور مختلفة.. 😉October 27, 2014 at 10:42 pm #640Issoufa
Thanks for your site !
I have played this year for the DV201, i’m married and have two sons.
I’m working in the desert and my familly don’t have the possibility to send me appropriate pictures of them.
I have send only mine and i mark ummaried.
what to do when they discovert le truth?Thanks
October 28, 2014 at 9:40 am #647Anonymous
Thanks for your site !
I have played this year for the DV201, i’m married and have two sons.
I’m working in the desert and my familly don’t have the possibility to send me appropriate pictures of them.
I have send only mine and i mark ummaried.
what to do when they discovert le truth?Thanks
You are welcome.
and Hello, this is suicide !! you can not apply as “unmarried” and you actually have a wife and kids.
You have to get their photos and info, and put them in derivatives part !!
i am sorry you needed to post this one too early, before you have applied. so what’s done is done, can’t do anything about it..February 13, 2015 at 7:29 pm #12568platinum
Memberهل مبلغ 3000 دولار يعتبر كافي لشخص واحد
في حال لم يكن يملك الفائز مبلغ كافي من المال فيما اذ اختار الحساب البنكي بدل الضامن هل يتم اقصاؤه نهائياً ام يعطى فرصة لإيجاد ضامن؟February 13, 2015 at 7:48 pm #12569Anonymous
Inactiveهل مبلغ 3000 دولار يعتبر كافي لشخص واحد في حال لم يكن يملك الفائز مبلغ كافي من المال فيما اذ اختار الحساب البنكي بدل الضامن هل يتم اقصاؤه نهائياً ام يعطى فرصة لإيجاد ضامن؟
السلام عليكم
المبلغ المتفق عليه في التوجيهات الفدرالية لسنة 2014 هو تقريبا 10.000 دولار للشخص البالغ الواحد.
لكن، هناك طرق اخرى تستطيع اتباعها للتاكيد من كونك لن تشكل عالة على المجتمع الامريكي، كالحصول مثلا على شخص سيستضيفك في امريكا و تعرفه حق المعرفة..في حال لم يكن يملك الفائز مبلغ كافي من المال فيما اذ اختار الحساب البنكي بدل الضامن هل يتم اقصاؤه نهائياً ام يعطى فرصة لإيجاد ضامن؟
سيتم اقصاؤه نهائيا ما دام القنصل يراه عالة على المجتمع، و لن يعطى فرصة ثانية، فمثل هذه الفرص تعطى فقط لمن احتاج وثيقة اضافية في ملفه الخ.
هل لديك صديق او قريب لك في امريكا؟ يمكنك الاعتماد عليه و سيستضيفك، كل ما عليك توفير معلومات حوله يوم المقابلة كالعنوان، طبيعة العلاقة بينكم، كيف ذهب الى امريكا، ما شغله، الخ
February 13, 2015 at 8:44 pm #12570platinum
Memberشكرا على الرد.. يوجد قريب من الدرجة الأولى أخي الشقيق ولكن لم أطلب منه ورقة ضامن وهو يملك جرين كارد ووضعت عنوانه في الفورم دي اس 260
هل ذلك يكفي ام يجب احضار ورقة ضامن منه؟February 13, 2015 at 8:51 pm #12572Anonymous
Inactiveلا داعي لورقة الضامن، فاخوك ان شاء الله سيستضيفك. - You do not meet the education requirement, or work requirement. for intense, you applied as having a University Degree, but you do not have more than a work diploma..
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